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Yohji Yamamoto Memoires
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The 'Yohji Yamamoto Memories' book acts as a retrospective of some of his most notable advertisements and editorial images. He has had quite a long career as a fashion designer, first starting out in the 70’s. The book mostly covers his work through the 80’s and 90’s and offers us a look behind the dark curtain of Yohji Yamamoto’s creative vision and meticulous design process. Some of the images show him working on choosing and tailoring the garments as well as some of his original sketches for runway looks which are stunning. Many of the photographs in the book were run in high-end fashion magazines like Vogue or Marie Claire, and Yamamoto had the pleasure of working with a lot famous fashion photographers at the time like Paolo Roversi, Nick Knight, Arthur Elgort, and David Sims. Some of Yamamoto’s most famous advertisements and campaigns can be viewed in this book and gives us a phenomenal insight into the world of Yohji Yamamoto.
Writer: Khan