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Tide is High Lookbook

Kapital has consistently approached fashion from multiple perspectives since its birth in 1984. Though the clothes themselves are held in high regard for their visual details and construction, it can be argued that the brand's editorial lookbooks shift its clothing into an unbelievable context. Photographed by Eric Kvatek and directed together with Kapital’s Kiro Hirata, the Kapital lookbooks serve to bring its readers into worlds unbeknownst to the everyman, its content ranging from the spiritual beings of faraway islands to the desolate lifestyles of the countryside and misfits of city alleyways, to name a few. It’s no wonder that so many individuals from all walks of life gravitate to such a culturally diverse brand.
Unlike our current selection of Kapital lookbooks available on our website, ‘Tide is High’ illustrates a unique perspective within the context of Jamaica. On behalf of Kapital, Yusuke Komori sets out to Jamaica and becomes naturally immersed in the country’s nuances. From its cultural landmarks of ganja, reggae and soccer, to its underlying values and spirituality, Jamaica slowly begins to reveal itself as we turn the pages of this surprisingly intimate series of photos and journal entries. This experience eventually changes our perception of Kapital’s clothes that are also featured, seeing them less as products and more as extensions of Jamaica’s way of life. As a result the lookbook not only gives the clothes substance through context, but also prompts us to question our own relationships with the clothes we own, as they are more than objects to be worn: they represent our unique ways of life.
Writer: Riv
Kapital Lookbook Photographer: Eric Kvatek