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Chubira-san Lookbook

Putting their own unique spin onto American, Japanese and a variety of other cultures' clothing, Kapital has carved a niche in the Japanese denim industry since their founding in 1985. Rather than following the path of many Japanese denim brands and producing exact replicas of vintage Levi’s, Kapital produced items that fit a certain theme, time period, or cultural idea, while still keeping the production quality of reproduction brands. In recent years with the explosion of archive fashion coming out of Japan through sites such as Yahoo Japan and Mercari, a wider audience has been exposed to Kapital and their unique offerings. From rappers to the avant-garde enthusiast, Kapital has something to offer for everyone.
Shot by long time collaborator Eric Kvatek, the Chubira-san lookbook seems to capture and project the idea of the very stereotypical bohemian sailor or seafaring man, who is fine living his or her life without worrying about society's expectations. From lazy days spent reading or sleeping in the sun, to eventually trudging to a dock in search of a hard day's labor, the clothing and looks featured in this lookbook would be picture perfect for all of these activities. Like most Kapital collections, Chubira-san is not a mono culturally inspired collection, with many designs drawing on two or three different cultures, time periods, or thematic elements. Key pieces from the lookbook include a wide assortment of denim, beautifully printed fabrics, accessories, and of course ever popular “boro” remakes. As always with Kapital, the Chubira-san lookbook is full of little details, unique pieces, and lively photography, swirled into a whirlpool of hippy dippy style and fun.
Writer: Isaac L. Davis
Kapital Lookbook Photographer: Eric Kvatek